I hope you were able to attend one or more of the 31 days of the FALL INTO GREAT READS TOUR. We had lots of fun. I missed a few days myself due to a work conference I had to attend three days this week. But if you missed it, you can still check out the posts at A Word With Traci blog. Just click on the Authors Already Featured where Traci has graciously offered links to the posts. I actually lost count of all the prizes and books I won, but plan to list everything here now as I go back and check through the blog.

And my winnings were:
I won a $15 Amazon Gift Card from Jennifer Hinsman, a 1 year subscription on Jacquie Lawson e-cards from Harmony Kent, 3 autographed print books (I’VE LOVED THESE DAYS by Bethany Turner, RIDDLE by Elizabeth Horton-Newton, & DANCE OF THE LIGHTS by Stephen Geez), and 9 e-books (Amazing Matilda by Bette Stevens, Una Familia & Learning to Fly in the Breaking Free series by Annie Hughes, UNBIND by Sarah Michelle Lynch, EMBER SKIES by Nicky Crawford. JUST TRY by Lisa S. Robinson, I, HERO – NATHAN RETURNS by Jason Zandri, SLICES OF SOUL by Haromony Kent, DANGLED CARAT by Hilary Grossman, and HE’S CAPTURED MY HEART by Karen Frances).

Wow! Did I rack up or what? Some of these wonderful authors gave everyone who commented an e-book. So many gracious and generous authors were guests on this tour. Did I say it was fantabulous? No? Well that’s exactly what it was. I was thinking the other day that we should do something like this in December. We’ll see.

Here is a recap of all the guest authors to Traci’s tour in a wonderful video:

Congratulations to all the winners of the blog tour, and thank you to all of the participating authors for introducing wonderful books, interviews, book trailers, etc., and thank you to Traci Sanders for the GREAT job she did putting it together and making it SO simple for all the authors who participated.

31 DAYS!



For information, visit FALL INTO GREAT READS. And check out the first blog post with romantic comedy author, Amy Lynch as she introduces you to her book, BRIDE WITHOUT A GROOM.

Each day, go to A Word With Traci and see which author is posting that day and leave a comment, and there may be a chance to win a prize.

Heref are the authors featured in the FALL INTO GOOD READS blog tour:

October Event Coming Soon: FALL INTO GREAT READS!

31 DAYS!

Each day Traci will feature a new author on her blog whose work she’s personally read and reviewed. There will be a fun mix of interviews, excerpts, book trailers, contests, and more! The featured authors will be from various genres to offer a little bit of something for everyone.

This tour will offer readers a chance to thank and/or interact with their favorite authors … and hopefully find MORE favorites!

If you miss even one day, you might miss something special!

The first author post will begin October 1st.

Here is the lineup!

Is your favorite on this list???

Amy Lynch – Romance/Chick-lit

Anita Kovacevic – Children’s/Urban Fantasy

Annie Hughes – Young Adult

Ava Mallory – Cozy Mysteries

Bethany Turner – Romance

Beth Hale – Romance

Bette Stevens – Children’s/Drama

Bruce Borders – Suspense/Animal Humor

David Adair – Thriller/Suspense/Mystery

David M. Salkin – Thriller Author

Elizabeth Noreen Newton – Romantic Thriller

Emma Scott – New Adult Romance

Gisela Hausmann – Non-fiction/Self-help/Marketing

Harmony Kent – Multi-genre Author

Jason Zandri – Contemporary Romance/Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Jennifer Hinsman – Romantic Suspense/Thriller

John Howell – Suspense/Thriller

Karen Frances – Contemporary Romance

Karen Power – Contemporary Fiction

K.K. Allen – Fantasy/Paranormal

Kim Cox – Paranormal Mysteries (with romantic elements)

Lisa S Robinson – Romance

Mark Fine – Historical Fiction/Romantic Suspense

Michael Lynes – Biography/Memoir

Michelle Abbott – Romantic Suspense

Nadege Nicholl – Elementary Grade Fiction

Rebecca Reilly – Christian Marriage Humor

Sarah Michelle Lynch – Contemporary Romance

Stephen Geez – Contemporary Fiction/ Memoir/How-to

Susan Kotch – Middle Grade Fiction

Tamie Dearen – Romantic Comedy/YA Fantasy                               


Each author may choose to offer prizes on his/her given promotion day, but Traci will also be awarding prizes during this event!

At the end of the tour, Traci will draw a random name from her list of participating guest authors. The winner will receive this coffee mug.


In addition, for each visitor who subscribes to Traci’s blog during this event (and/or purchases one of her books), she will enter their name into a drawing to win a $10 Amazon gift card. Her hope is that you will use this card to buy some of the books you see on this tour, and perhaps you will find a new author to add to your favorites list!

gift card

Get ready … the fun begins October 1st!!!


Block Party Badge

Hi and “WELCOME” to Rave Reviews Book Club’s BACK-TO-SCHOOL BOOK & BLOG BLOCK PARTY at Kim’s Author Support Page!

Location:  Asheville, North Carolina, USA.

Giveaways are available internationally in English language only!



Here’s What I’m Giving Away Today:

*($25) Amazon Gift Card – MARGARET DALY

*One (1) e-book copy of ALL THIS TIME – TRACI SANDERS

*One (1) e-book copy of HAUNTED HEARTS – RICHIE GERBER


# of Winners for this stop:  3

To enter for prizes, please leave a comment at the end of this page. If you’re leaving a comment for the first time, your comment will need to be approved. But if you’re a returning visitor, your comment will go right through.

I’d like to introduce you to my books and to me as a person as well as an author.

First, I have a relaxing video; second,  an interview between the characters from two different book series. Third, is the Story of Kim Cox, and fourth,  I’ve included a short blurb on each of my books to help you make the perfect decision in your next book selection. You can also click on a link to read an excerpt of each book. If you like what you read here, please share with your friends, fans, etc. There’s also a surprise cover reveal. I hope you enjoy the (mostly) fall pictures in my header. They were all photographed near my home in the Blue Ridge Mountains.


This video isn’t a book trailer. It is the first and only video I’ve ever done. I hope to produce a few book trailers around the first of the year. This one was created for a class project in Web Technologies in 2012, and it portrays some of the gorgeous waterfalls of Dupont State Forest in Transylvania County, North Carolina–only about an hour from our home. Our final project consisted of many multi-media projects that ended with a full Web site about hiking trails. I chose Dupont for its beauty. The voice isn’t mine but that of a friend of my youngest son’s. I hope you enjoy the video and find it relaxing. It sounds better with earphones on my computer.

Dupont State Forest – Video

Unique Trails and Amazing Waterfalls

The below video is an introduction to the Dupont State Forest, which offers almost 100 miles of unique trails with amazing waterfalls, pristine lakes, and other attractions. Some trails pass over large expanses of solid rock on large granite domes.



Jenny Morgan Drake and her husband, Trevor Drake, from my book, “All This Time” of the Style & Profile series, visits Lana Malloy to interview Lana for Jenny’s family magazine, Morgan Fashions. This interview will take place between books 2 & 3, GET OUT OR DIE and THE WEDDING CRASHER, from the LANA MALLOY PARANORMAL MYSTERY series.


A Little Backstory

Trevor reluctantly accompanies Jenny on the trip to James Island in South Carolina. He agrees to go only because Jenny refuses to wait, and he doesn’t want her to go alone in her much pregnant condition. 

Trevor doesn’t believe in ghosts roaming the earth, much less someone who can see and talk to them. He expects to see a rundown witch/voodoo shack in the swamp. He’s done his research and knows Lana’s fiancé, Tony Calabria is a man of means, but he figures Tony probably hides his girlfriend out in the boonies as to not scare the town folk.

On the other hand, Jenny has read all about Lana’s experiences and believes she is exactly who she claims, a private investigator for the unusual.

Lana is in the process of moving stuff into their getaway home on James Island, near Charleston, South Carolina, where they will live part-time after they’re married. She loves the house and wants to show it off.


The Interview

Lana meets them at the front door. “Hello. Jenny, Trevor, welcome to my home. Please come in? And help yourselves to the tray of iced tea and cookies here in the den. Please forgive the mess. I’m in the process of moving a few things into this house.”

“Lana, how lovely you are.” Jenny touches her belly as she wobbles inside. 

Trevor stands in the doorway listening and looking around the house as if something might jump out at him.

“Thank you.” Lana says, as she leads them to the den.

“You have a lovely home. It’s exquisite and huge, but also has a homey feel. I love all the porches.” Jenny elbows Trevor playfully in the ribs. “Doesn’t she, Trevor?”

Trevor clears his throat nervously. “Yes, it’s very nice. The Weeping Willow trees along the long drive are nice.” He straightens his tie.

“Tony bought the house as a wedding present to me. He’s a sweetheart. He knows how I hate living in the city.”

Jenny asks, “But didn’t I read somewhere that you did live near the beach front in Charleston?”

“Yes. I’m transforming it into a full-time office.” She glances at Jenny’s girth. “How far along are you?” Lana asks. “Have a seat, please.” She motions them toward a sofa near the picture window.

“Oh, I’m a little over six months.” Jenny sits on the couch as Lana sits in her favorite chair opposite them. Trevor slides in beside his wife.

“If you’d like, after we finish our snacks, we can go out on the back porch for the interview. It’s shaded from the hot sun this time of day.” Lana takes a bite of her chocolate chip cookie.

“That sounds nice.” Jenny sips on her tea, already having finished off three of her own cookies.

Lana ushers them to the back porch overlooking the pool in the back yard. She turns on the porch’s ceiling fans to stir the air and guides them toward the four rocking chairs lined up across the porch.

As they get settled, Lana feels a kindredship to Jenny. She senses the loss of Jenny’s mother and sister. And that her father, although still alive, had a health scare a couple of years ago.

Jenny positions her pen above her pad to take notes, but asks, “Do you mind if I record our interview?”

“Not at all.” Lana spreads her hands over her sundress to smooth out the wrinkles.

Trevor takes the small recorder from his pocket and presses the on button.

“Jenny, I hope I’m not overstepping, but I was told to tell you that your mother and sister are pleased and thrilled that you and Trevor chose to name your daughter after them. Caroline Beth Drake, isn’t it?”

Trevor almost chokes on the mouthful of tea he’d just sipped. “What!”

“Oh and Trevor, your father hopes you’ll name your son after him. It doesn’t have to be your son’s first name but a middle name would be nice.”

Jenny appears shocked. She believes that spirits are all around them, and she believes in Lana, but just to have her come out and say that was chilling. She never figured her mother and sister would contact her like this. Tears come to eyes and she pulls a tissue from her purse. “Thank you, Lana, and can you tell them I love and miss them. And tell Alfred, we’re not giving our son his first name but we may give him the name David which is Alfred’s middle name.”

Lana smiles. “You just told them.”

Both women look at Trevor who has turned three different shades of red and his eyes are watering. Lana isn’t sure if he’s crying or if it’s from where he’d choked. “How do you, or my father for that matter, know that we’re having a boy this time?”

“Trevor!” Jenny gives him her most furious expression. “Don’t start.”

“No. I’m not trying to . . . I just need to know.”

“That’s okay. Trevor, the spirits know many things that are unknown to us. They give me bits of what they know when they want me to know about it. In this case, you father wants you to know how he feels.”

“Okay. That sounds like my father. Tell him I love and miss him, please.” Trevor sniffs and wipes his nose with a handkerchief. He loosens his tie and opens the top button of his shirt.

“He can hear you, Trevor.” Lana looks at him with concern. She hopes she hasn’t said too much.

He runs both hands through his hair. “I’ve got to take a walk. Will you be okay?” he asks his wife.

Jenny touches his hand as he stands up. “Are you okay, Honey?” she asks him. Concern is evident in her voice.

“I will be, I just need to rethink everything I’ve ever believed.” He walks off the porch and around the corner of Lana’s house.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset him,” Lana says, regretting she’d let Alfred talk her into telling Trevor about his presence.

“It’s okay. His father has always been a sore subject for him. He and his mother lost him when Trevor was only ten.” Jenny searches the area to see if she can see Trevor but he’s out of sight. She picks up her pad and looks at Lana. “Shall we get on with the interview?”


“Well, Lana, you have been one busy psychic.”

“I suppose so.” Lana smiles.

“How do you do it? Do the ghosts just appear to you and help you solve whatever problem there is at the time?”

“Not exactly. Sometimes it’s hard to get them to talk and other times you can’t shut them up. An example of the latter would be my Aunt Lucy.”

Both women laughed.

“I heard that,” Lucy chimes in.

“Lucy has shown up, by the way. Go away, Lucy. I’m a bit busy here.” Lucy for once does as Lana requests and leaves without another word. “Go ahead. She’s gone.”

“I would love to have your gift, Lana. To know the things you do. To be able to help people, both the dead and the living.”

Lana clears her throat. “You mean you would like to never be alone, hearing people telling or showing you information all the time. And this information may or may not be something you can do anything about. When you least expect it, you’ve got a crisis to take care of. It doesn’t matter that you’re having a romantic dinner with your fiancé, you’re out with friends, sound asleep, or in the middle of a shopping mall. It doesn’t matter. They are demanding your attention.”

“Oh wow! I didn’t realize you’d have no control over the when.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. Probably just wedding jitters. I’m very thankful for my gift, but it can be very disrupting to my life. I like being able to help people, and I love being able to talk to those I love after they’ve passed on, especially my Aunt Lucy. However, spirits can be very impatient. Their time isn’t like ours and it all seems urgent to them for some reason, particularly those who have recently passed. Those who have been gone for a while seem to be a little more tolerant.”

“I see.” Jenny wrote on her pad. “Did I hear you correctly? I think you mentioned twice about getting married.”

“Yes, Tony and I are getting married.”


“In two short months, and I’m both excited and terrified about that.” Lana smiles and takes a sip of tea.

“I know the feeling. You met my husband, Trevor.” She laughs.

“Yes. He’s adorable. I could tell right off he’s a skeptic.”

“That’s stating it lightly. Trevor doesn’t believe in much of anything that he can’t see or touch unless he’s experienced it for himself.” She glances toward the edge of the yard but Trevor still hasn’t returned. “So, why are you so nervous? Don’t you know that your marriage is meant to be? If Tony is the one for you?”

“I do but not in the way you mean. I once caught a glimpse of our lives together.” She wrings her hands together. “But lately . . . I don’t know. I’ve not been sleeping well, and I have a strange feeling that something bad is about to happen.”

“Oh, and what’s that?”

“That’s the problem. I have no idea.” Lana stands and walks to the edge of the porch, placing one hand on the railing.

Jenny leans a little forward. “But you’re psychic.  I don’t understand. Don’t you know everything?”

Lana turns to face Jenny and leans against the post. “Most people don’t understand. I only get pieces of things I need to know in order to help someone else. Sometimes those pieces are hard to interpret. Every once and a while, I’ll get a premonition or see someone’s past. Sometimes it may be for no other reason than it’s something I need to know myself. But most of the time it’s to help someone else. I rarely see anything beneficial to me personally. My one vision of my life with Tony was an exception.”

Jenny writes furiously. “Oh, and can you give me an instance of a premonition you’ve had.?”

“Yes. When I was about twelve, I saw my grandfather’s death before he died. He was old and I thought I was dreaming it because he’d been under the weather for the last few days, and I was scared for him. He died within the week.”

“That must’ve been terrifying for you as a child that young.”

“It was. At the time, I didn’t believe in my own gifts. And I thought perhaps God thought my dream meant I wished it. I blamed myself.” Her eyes moisten from the memory. “I see how silly that was now. At times, I feel blessed to have this gift, and yet, cursed at others.”

“Since you didn’t believe in yourself, how did you come to terms with knowing and seeing things that no one else could see or hear?”

“Aunt Lucy and my best friend, Demi, helped me.”


“Yes. Demi Lancaster.” Jenny clears her throat. “Off the record, please?”

“Sure.” Jenny turns off the recorder.

“I don’t want to get her into trouble. Her boss knows I know things, but he doesn’t want to know about spirits.”

“I understand.”

“Demi’s a Charleston Police Detective and a godsend to me. She helps me figure things out sometimes and gets information for me when I need it if it is a life and death situation.”

“She sounds like a good friend.”

“She is.”

“Back on the record, now?”

Lana nods her head.

Jenny turns the recorder back on. “But how did Demi convince you to believe in your gift?”

“Well, it was after my great aunt Lucy came to see me one night right after she died. Aunt Lucy told me to embrace my gift and stop suppressing it. That suppressing it would only make things worse.”

“I see, but how did that help you?”

“It didn’t really. Aunt Lucy told me I didn’t want to know what would happen if I didn’t accept my gift. She pretty much scared me more than anything else. Not so much her words but the look on her face when she said it.”

“What did Demi do?”

Lana sat back on the edge of her chair, turning slightly to face Jenny. “After I told her about it, she held me while I cried. She patted my back and let me get it all out. Then she said, ‘Now Lana, you know what you have to do.’ And I asked, ‘What?’ and she said, ‘You know you have to do what your aunt said. I believe in you, and you have to believe in yourself.’ She said it just as plain as that.”

“I don’t understand how that helped you.”

“You have to know Demi. She doesn’t give herself freely. She’s a very guarded person. She’s also a straight shooter. She doesn’t say anything she doesn’t mean. So, if she says it, you know it to be true. Demi has always been there for me and she’s always believed in me. She believed I had the gift. Never once did she think I’d lost hold on reality.”

“That makes sense.” Jenny jotted more notes on her pad. “So, you seem a little more relaxed.”

“I am. Jenny, you’re a natural. And you’ve made me feel at ease.”

“Thank you. Now, I want to know about some of your cases. I’m impressed with everything you’ve done.” She flipped through the pad. “You helped your Aunt Lucy and her fiancé move on, after twenty years, by helping solve their murder. Can you tell me how that happened?”

“We had a little show and tell at Tony’s house. I also had plenty of help from Tony, Aunt Lucy and Tony’s grandfather, Davide. Of course, Demi helped with that also. She and a few of her friends waited while the ghosts mostly scared a confession from Anthony’s second wife, and the rest of the family for different crimes they’d committed.”

“You make it sound simple.”

“Not really. We had to do a lot of research to figure out who to invite on pretense of Davide’s new will. Getting the family in one place at the same time was a huge undertaking.”

“Tony’s family, your fiancé, correct?”

“Yes.” Lana smiles at the memory of him from that morning, not wanting to leave her here alone to face the mean reporters. He could be overprotective at times.

Jenny jotted in her notebook again. “So, and then there was the angry ghost at a home near here, and you’ve done a lot of pro bono work for those living in the Charleston area.”

“Yes. Adam turned out to be not so bad. He just had some issues he had to work through.”

“You’re being modest, Lana.”

“Not really. I always have plenty of help from the spirit guides and the ghosts themselves.” Lana stands and pours herself more tea. “Would you like more, Jenny?”

“Yes. Thank you. Okay, so how did you help Adam work out his issues?”

Lana fills Jenny’s glass and places the pitcher on the table between them. “I saw into the past lives of both Adam and Sean. Sean was the father of the occupants of the house and Adam’s business partner. Adam and Sean had fought throughout history for one reason or another. When I explained it to Adam, it helped him mellow some. When I mentioned his wife, Kara, and how she’d loved the Ramsey’s children, and the promise he’d given to her on her death bed, he finally saw himself for what he was doing to them.”

“Wow! That took a lot of seeing into his life. Way back to previous lives. You did see his life, right. He didn’t offer you the information.”

“Right. He didn’t know about his past lives. I had a dream about that, and I think Kara showed me herself on her death bed.”

Jenny taps her pencil on the pad. “That sounds like a tough case.”

Lana smiled. “At the time, it was. I was also dealing with the reality that I could be possessed by a spirit if I didn’t prepare myself.”

“What? Possessed? How do you prepare for something like that?”

“A lot of prayer and focus.” Lana replied. Lana stood, picked up the pitcher of tea and her glass and carried them into the kitchen, in hopes that Jenny would take the hint that the interview was over.

Jenny followed behind her into the kitchen. “What now?”

“What do you mean?’

“Are you working on anything else, or will you soon?”

“I don’t know. Not any ghosts right now. I guess if something comes up, I will help. I do have a couple of small jobs, mostly computer work for Tony. Background checks on new employees and things like that. But for now, I’m happy just planning our wedding.”

Trevor walks into the kitchen. “Is the interview over?”

“I think it is. Thank you, Lana. It was a pleasure meeting you finally.” Jenny smiles and holds out her arms to Lana.

The two women hug.

“Yes, thank you, Lana,” Trevor says, a little choked up still. “I appreciate everything.”

Lana nods her head knowingly and holds her arms out to Trevor. He hugs her neck.

Tony walks in and Lana introduces him to the two visitors. He shakes their hands and says, “How did it go?”

“Fine,” Lana says.

“More than fine. Is she always so modest? You have an amazing fiancée, Mr. Calabria.”

“I sure do,” he says, wraps an arm around her waist and hugs her to him. He kisses the top of her forehead.

Tony and Lana walk Trevor and Jenny to the door.

In the car, driving down the long winding road, Jenny turns to Trevor and asks, “So what do you think of Lana Malloy, now?”

“As much as I hate to admit I was wrong, she’s the real deal. What do you think?”

“You heard me back there. She’s an amazing woman.”



Kim Cox lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina with her talented, chainsaw artist husband (http://leeschainsawart.com/) and their three dogs. She’s the mother to two sons and also has two grandsons (one starting kindergarten next year and the other a senior in high school this year). I know you’re wondering, so yes, you’re right, she married and started her family way too young. 😉 A recap of her life coming up.


In her younger years, she was one who never met a stranger which worried her parents to no end, because she smiled and talked to everyone she met. Yes, even strangers. Luckily, her parents rarely let her out of their sight. But they had to work and one time, before school age, the babysitter sort of kidnapped her. How can she sort of be kidnapped, you might ask. In truth, the babysitter took her to a friend’s workplace without permission and then she was afraid to take her back home. Kim cried her eyes out that night when they arrested the sitter. Kim loved her babysitter so much. The only way to get Kim to sleep that night, her father had to promise her he’d get the babysitter out of jail. And her father kept that promise. To her, her father could move mountains.

In her school years, Kim was a cheerleader from the 7th through 10th grades (head cheerleader in the 10th). Then letter girl in the eleventh grade. Luckily for her, back then, you didn’t need to have any of those special gymnastic abilities, only coordination and a big mouth which she had in spades. Kim loved cheering but sometimes, while focused on the football game, she had to be nudged to start a cheer. Her parents were very strict, so being a cheerleader provided her with the only opportunity to be out of the yard after dark.

Also in tenth grade, she was voted her grade’s Miss Torch Candidate (Torch was the name of the yearbook). She didn’t win, but it made her happy just to be nominated. Why? It meant she got to dress up in an evening gown and have her picture taken for the yearbook. She felt like a princess going to the ball.


Now, Kim is very much a grown up and each year brings her closer to retirement from the day job. At and after the age of fifty, she obtained two associate degrees, one in Office Systems Technology and the other in Web Technology. Kim also obtained a diploma in Medical Office Administration. While at work, she has many titles,  including but not limited to, MIS (Management Information Systems) Specialist, Accountability, and Superuser. 

On the writing front, she is a multi-published author of short stories, articles, novellas, and novels.  Kim also creates and maintains Web sites, and designs and creates her own book covers. You can find her Web Design portfolio and services at Kim Cox Designs. See her published works below.


Published Books (Novels and Novellas)



Cover designed by Kim Cox Designs.

ALL THIS TIME is a romantic suspense novel. Book 1 in the Style & Profile Series.

“Obstacles occur every step of the way for it seems someone in the office is working to sabotage not only the business but Jenny and her father too. Filled with suspense, mystery as well as heart-filled emotion, All This Time offers a delightful read.” ~ Nancy Carty Lepri, Freelance Editor, Reviewer, and Author of Tommy’s Amigo and TinyAngel

At thirty, Jenny Morgan’s biological clock is ticking. But as a fashion magazine CEO with a busy schedule and no significant other, her wish is unlikely to come true. When her father receives a potentially terminal diagnosis, he longs for a grandchild before he dies. With her religious beliefs, a sperm donor isn’t an alternative. Jenny’s only immediate available option is her single co-worker and best friend, Trevor Drake. Can she really trust him to be a good husband?

Trevor has loved Jenny since college, but she only sees him as a friend with no ambition. After he learns of her predicament, he proposes and sets out to prove he can provide everything she needs. Jenny is determined to have a prenuptial agreement with an “out” clause after one year. Can Trevor convince Jenny of his love by then?

As if they don’t have enough on their plate, someone at the magazine is out to stop their wedding and their impending parenthood, and destroy the magazine’s reputation. Jenny is nearly killed in a sabotage attempt. Can Jenny and Trevor to make a life together while uncovering a common enemy?

Available now in print and electronic formats through Amazon Kindle and Amazon Print,  Barnes & Noble Nook, iTunes iBook, Kobo, Page Foundry, and Oyster.

Read more . . .


Suspicious Minds

Cover designed by Trace Zaber.

In the city of Boston lies a story of revenge and hidden identity. Ryan Donatelli, posing as Thomas Randolph, sets out to avenge his sister’s death, even if it means using Sam Southard’s daughter to do it. After all, Ryan is sure Sam’s responsible.

Natalie Southard is determined to keep her family business out of the hands of known crime boss, Nick DeMarco. After her father is killed, Natalie and Ryan are forced to run for their lives. But, will they live long enough for their hearts to heal once everything is revealed?

Genres: Romance / Romantic Suspense / Romantic Thriller
Length: Novel (58k words / 188 paperback pages)

Suspicious Minds was Kim Cox’s first published novel.

SUSPICIOUS MINDS – 99 cent sale for a limited time through Amber Quill Press Only – available in print and electronic formats through Amber Quill Press, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Print,  and Barnes and Noble Nook.

Read more . . .


Kim has pulled SUSPICIOUS MINDS from her publisher and plans to self-publish it in April, 2016 after she obtains her rights. Here’s the cover she created for this book about a year ago but has been unable to use it. However they may be a few updates to it before she decides this is the one.





Cover designed by Kim Cox Designs.

A Lana Malloy Paranormal Mystery Series, #1

“Twists and turns abound in this suspenseful novel having the reader on the edge of their seat until the climatic conclusion.” ~ Nancy Carty Lepri, Freelance Editor, Reviewer, and Author of Tommy’s Amigo and TinyAngel 

“Haunted Hearts by Kim Cox is a charming . . . ghost story . . . The ghost characters and their living relatives were all delightful and fun. And of course . . . there is romance as well as the mystery.” ~ Fallen Angel Reviews 

Will Lana Malloy solve the twenty-year-old double murder of her great aunt and her great aunt’s fiancé by Memorial Day? If she can, they’ll spend eternity together; if she can’t, they’ll be stuck as Haunted Hearts for another year.

Available now in print and electronic formats through Amazon Kindle, Amazon Print,Barnes & Noble Nook, iTunes iBook, Kobo, Page Foundry, Oyster, and Scribd.

Read more . . .




Cover designed by Kim Cox Designs.

A Lana Malloy Paranormal Mystery Series, #2

“. . . In GET OUT OR DIE . . . Lana Malloy helps restless spirits, and the families they are haunting, find peace. The murder mystery aspect adds a nice touch of intrigue . . . a page turner . . .”
Paranormal Romance Reviews

Since the news of her first case, Lana Malloy’s Private Investigating/Mediator business is booming. At one pro-bono job, Lana helps a widow communicate with her late husband and learns of a frightening new ability she wasn’t aware she possessed-an ability that could give the spirit the upper hand if she’s not careful.

Lana struggles for control when she encounters the angry ghost who doesn’t want to leave and who doesn’t want the occupants of the house to stay. Will Lana be able to control the situation or will the ghost sense he can overtake her? Does she have other abilities she can rely on to save her?

Available now in ebook through Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, iTunes iBook, Kobo, Page Foundry, Oyster, and Scribd.

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Cover designed by Kim Cox Designs.

A Lana Malloy Paranormal Mystery Series, #3
Lana Malloy is marrying the love of her life, Tony Calabria. The night before, she has a vision of a disturbing wedding and wonders if it’s a premonition of her own. Feeling silly for thinking that, she proceeds with her plans as scheduled.

During their honeymoon in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Lana has visions of a young woman abducted by a madman. The man plans to force his abductee to marry him if he isn’t stopped. Lana feels marriage isn’t the worst thing that could happen as she senses the threads of death circling this victim.

Lana can’t ignore these visions. Will Tony understand this isn’t an obsession, but a calling, and that Lana has to do whatever it takes for this young woman? Will she find the victim in time? If she doesn’t, life will never be the same.

Available NOW at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, KoboiTunes, Page Foundry, Scribd, and Oyster.

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Also  available LANA MALLOY PARANORMAL MYSTERY SERIES BOX SET 1 – Save $2 by both the box set


Cover designed by Kim Cox Designs.

Two Book Box Set – Novellas 1 & 2
Haunted Hearts & Get Out or Die

Available now in ebook through Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, iTunes iBook, Kobo, Page Foundry, Oyster, and Scribd. Save $2 by getting the box set.

In the LANA MALLOY PARANORMAL MYSTERY SERIES, Lana Malloy is a psychic, private investigator who is on a mission to help the dearly departed even when they don’t realize they need help.

In the first novella, HAUNTED HEARTS, Lana sets out to solve her first case—the twenty-year old cold-case and double murder of her great aunt and her great aunt’s fiancé. If she succeeds, they’ll spend eternity together; if she can’t, they’ll be stuck as Haunted Hearts. With the help of the ghosts and a new love interest, she is able to find the murderer.

In the second novella, GET OUT OR DIE, the success of Lana’s first case has spread throughout the local Charleston area and her business is booming. At one pro-bono job, Lana helps a widow communicate with her late husband where she learns of a frightening new ability—an ability that could give the spirit the upper hand if she’s not careful.

Read more . . .



Projected Scheduled Releases:
Book 4: Christmas Cruise – November 2015
Book 5: Haunted by Her Past – 2016
Book 6: Demi’s Serial Case – 2016
Book 7: Untitled – 2017

To read short blurbs of books in process, go to my Coming Soon page.


Click cover to purchase!


FREE Short Story
Can Miriam Alexander give her heart to Rhett Yancey again after he stomped on it the first time?


Can husband and wife rekindle their love, put their differences aside and salvage a marriage that was doomed two years ago?


FREE Short Story
Will Carina and Tyler find their way back to each other, or will she turn to an old lover for support?

LOVE CONQUERS ALL Sequel to All For Love: Carina and Tyler are finally back on track when Javier is up to his old tricks.

Sequel to All For Love:
Carina and Tyler are finally back on track when Javier is up to his old tricks


Click HERE to visit the other stops on the Rave Reviews Book & Blog Block Party and enter their giveaways!


New Scenic Headers


Click Cover To Purchase

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy the new headers I’ve added. The headers you see now are rural parts of my local area. Some were taken from the Blue Ridge Parkway, and some are from Chimney Rock. For example, the rocky river is a river near Chimney Rocky called the Rocky Broad River. Much of the filming of Dirty Dancing took place near Chimney Rock. There are also images that were taken closer to my home. Taken in October of 2014, during what we call the “leaf season” is my favorite month. This is when the leaves are in their highest color while preparing for winter.  Spring is my second favorite season. Can you tell I like color? Fall leaves and Spring flowers splash the mountains with an abundance of beauty.

Most of the scenes in my newest release are similar, written during the fall season as well. THE WEDDING CRASHER takes place partly in Marshville, a “fictional” small rural mountain town about an hour north of Knoxville, Tennessee. Knoxville is about two hours from my home town. I wanted to write about an area I knew well, and that’s why I chose neighboring Tennessee for the location. I have another WIP that is set in a fictional town near the Lake Lure/Chimney Rock location. That book is now is titled FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY. It’s partially written and I hope to release it sometime in 2016.

Please enjoy the scenic images in my header. I would love to hear what you think of them, what locations you enjoy reading about, and even what locations in your area that are near and dear to you.


For the entire month of September, we are embarking on an awesome journey…a 30 day, multi-blog tour!  We have a total of 50 blogs participating. Stop at each blog on your journey, and while you’re there, take a moment and read their blog post, check out their books, leave comments, LIKE their page and then share their page all over social media!  Each stop that you leave a comment on, you will be entered into the random drawing for that blog’s DAILY GIVEAWAYS!  At the end of the 30 day tour, if you have left a comment anywhere along the way, your name will be entered for our grand prizes below:

*1st/Grand Prize:  $100 Amazon Gift Card

*2nd/Grand Prize:  4 FREE 60-second commercial ads on 4 of our RAVE WAVESBlogTalkRadio Shows

*3rd/Grand Prize:  Book Bundle {10 books of your choice from the Kathryn C. Treat Book Giveaway Treasure Chest}

*4th/Grand Prize:  7-day Blog Tour Sponsored by 4WillsPublishing

*5th/Grand Prize:  A *LIVE* interview on an upcoming segment of a RAVE WAVES BlogTalkRadio Show (either Behind The Pen or Beyond The Cover)

The more comments you leave along the tour, the greater your chances to win!

TOUR LINE-UP page:  http://wp.me/P49Fi9-2y5

HURRY! The first day has already started with 5 blogs today!

THE WEDDING CRASHER was also released today. So if you liked HAUNTED HEARTS and GET OUT OR DIE, book 3 is now available at Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble,Kobo, Page Foundry, Scribd, and Oyster.

GET OUT OR DIE is on sale for 99 cents at iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Page Foundry, and Oyster. Should be on sale at Amazon soon, hoping by later tonight but may be Wednesday.

Also if you like the book, please leave a review. THE WEDDING CRASHER is also up atGoodReads today.

The Top Ten Questions You Should Never Answer

Fiction Favorites


The inspiration for this list came from observing everyday life and watching others fall into a dark pit for no other reason than attempting to answer a dangerous, politically incorrect or impossible question.

Top Ten Questions You Should Never Answer

10 If you are asked, “How do I look?” do not answer the question. If you do, at best you only have a 50% chance of being right which is also a 50% chance of being wrong. At worst, the person who asked the question knows they look awful and now picks a fight with you for misleading them. (Your credibility is now null and void. Good luck with the comforting an old friend excuse.)

9 If you are asked, “Have you been drinking?” do not answer. If you do, at best your answer will not be credible. At worst, if you do answer yes you might have some explaining…

View original post 585 more words

First Post Challenge


The rules are:
Copy-paste, link, pingback, etc. your first post.

Identify the post: introduction, story, poem.

Explain why it was your first post.

Nominate five other bloggers.

A LITTLE BACKGROUND ON THIS POST: This is from my other blog KIM’S MUSINGS that I hadn’t planned to ever start, titled TWO DAYS OFF. The only reason I registered for my own blog at BlogSpot was so I could comment on a friend’s blog page. Then I thought why not give it a try. In 2005, I blogged only 4 times and in 2006 just once. Some years more and some years only once since then. I really didn’t start blogging regularly until this year.







Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Two Days Off

For those who don’t know me, I’m an author, a web designer, the general manager and review coordinator for Word Museum and I work a full time job, 12 hour days that sometimes turn into 13. This is my long week, meaning I work Monday and Tuesday, Friday and Saturday — Sunday too, but that’s a new week. But today and Thursday I’m off. Halleluah!!!

But there’s work to do at home too. Not just the normal things, like laundry. But getting organized again is my goal. My home office has gotten so out of hand that I have to really get busy and organize it again before I can think of doing taxes. I know, the T word. 😦

Preparation is the most time consuming of my tax time. I not only do my taxes, but my two neighbors’, my son’s and a friends. Two down and three to go including my own. Enough said about taxes. Let’s talk about the other aspects of my life this early Wednesday morning.

I work in an office, but it’s not just sitting and filing nails in a textile plant office or any other office I’ve worked in for that matter. Time ticks away and I find I’m generally behind. The odd this is I’m so organized at work (opposite from home) and get stressed if I have to sway from the way I normally work. Which often happens. That takes care of all you want to know about the “day job.”

As general manager of Word Museum, I do a number of different jobs. Guess that’s what “general” means. I do the web designing and customer service, which includes billing, bringing in new customers and taking care of any problems that may arise, record keeping, and basically oversee all operations.

What is Word Museum? It’s a multi-genre site where readers and authors come together, and where authors can promote themselves and their work. We have a membership of around 50 authors, of which 4 have their web sites maintained by us as well as get promoted. We have a chat every Wednesday night at 10pm est with authors, publishers or any other writing oriented person/group.

Our promotion manager and Workshop manager are very busy ladies as well and two of my best friends. We have two newsletters, WordBeats which is free for anyone who wants to join and MarketBeats which is $6.99 per year. WordBeats is about writing, ups and downs, etc. and MarketBeats is just that, about marketing your book with a bit of promotion thrown in for good measure. The newsletters go out monthly through a listserv.

We have three contests, two monthly and one quarterly. The monthly contests are Win A Book and Amazon.com gift certificates. These books in our Win A Book contest are books written by our very own membership. And what a fantastic group of authors they are. To enter, you just visit Word Museum and fill out a short form. Each month I draw 2 names. For the quarterly contest, a name is drawn from those on our News listservs each quarter. The winner gets a basket full of prizes, including but not limited to books.

There’s probably all kinds of stuff I’m leaving out here. You’ll just have to visit the website and see for yourself. The URL is http://www.wordmuseum.com. If you’re an author, we do have a $20 off special on our membership at least through February.

Oh and I’m a wife, mother and grandmother too. My husband of nineteen years is a chain saw artist. I have two grown sons of 25 and 31. The oldest has a 6 year old son.

I have a dog and a cat, but you would think I have anywhere from 2 to 6 dogs as many of my neighbor’s dogs like to hangout in the yard with my dh while he carves. Animals love him. My cat rules them all.

Have a nice day. I hadn’t even planned to start one of these blogs, but I wanted to post on a friend’s page and they said I had to join up too which includes a blog of my own. So, I figured why not. I hope I haven’t bored you to tears as I’m just musing. Tired and very talkative or is that writative? when I’m tired. But that’s normal too. Okay, I’m getting really out there now. So, I’m calling it a night or early morning and heading off to bed.

Good night and God Bless.

Ten Things Not to Do On a Monday

Fiction Favorites

This list was inspired by facing Monday over 3800 times so far. Each and everyone was a little different, and it was not because of the day but rather because of the day before. Hope you enjoy it.


Ten Things Not to Do On a Monday

10 On Monday, do not bustle into the office as if you don’t have a hangover. If you do, at best you will broadcast your desperate condition. At worst, you may just burn out by ten o’clock and will have a rough time explaining how you managed to sleep at your desk until after everyone went home. (And you were drooling too)

9 On Monday, do not go into your boss’s office with a demand for higher pay. If you do, at best you can expect a locked door next time. At worst your boss is fighting a bad headache, and you are now…

View original post 536 more words

Thursday – A Little Personal – My Second Post Oct. 2012


Fiction Favorites

Linda Hill nominated me for the First Post honor. The idea is to go back to your first post and then publish it again.

The rules are:
Copy-paste, link, pingback, etc. your first post.

Identify the post: introduction, story, poem.

Explain why it was your first post.

Nominate five other bloggers.

Since I have been honored before I decided I would publish my second post which was a brief discussion of the author William F. Buckley. I decided to re-post this under my personal banner this time because the post was a little embarrassing. This was my second post since I was doing a series on authors and William F. Buckley was one of my favorites.

Before I get to the post here are my mentions.

Kim Cox

Ionia Martin

Sally Cronin

Marie Ann Bailey

Helen Valentina


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