Open or Closed Door Sex Scenes

After choosing which sub-genre of romance novel you want to write, the next thing you have to decide is your heat level. In some cases like Inspirational Romance and Amish Romance, you’ll have no sex scenes at all and the closest you’ll get is hand holding or maybe a chaste kiss at the end. If you’re writing erotic romance, your sex scenes will be detailed and frequent.

But what if your book falls in the middle of those two? How do you decide what to put on paper and what to leave to the reader’s imagination? That depends on what you’re comfortable with writing and reading about. If the thought of leaving marks from a whip or spanking makes you cringe, you’re not going to write a successful BDSM book. However, if you’re also not comfortable describing body parts and inserting tab A into slot B, you can fade to black and have it all happen off page. One minute your characters are falling into bed, and the next it’s the next chapter and morning after.

Reblogged from IFW Institute for Writers – Read Complete Article

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