Do you know all of the rules?

Jean's Writing

There are a lot of writing rules. Some good and some open to the writers interpretation.

Me? I think all rules are made to be broken. 

That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it.

How boring would life be if everyone did everything in the same way? All shades of gray! Every story would read the same!

Individuality is what makes each story, each book and every writer unique and special.

Writing rules are like opinions. Everyone has one or more. But that doesn’t mean those ideas or rules are written on tablets brought down from Mount Sinai.


This  Latest Blog Post at is a great reminder to follow your heart.

The article written by gives us 5 pieces of advice to ignore. Of course, I’m sure there are more out there, but 5 is a good place to start.

  1. Weather? Okay!
  2. Dialogue? Get talking!

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3 thoughts on “Do you know all of the rules?

  1. I think that the sooner you move on from the idea that rules are something to either follow or break, the better you’ll be as a writer. At least, that was my experience.

    Rules are a learning tool. Period.


  2. What do you think is the purpose of rules? To hinder your writing, somehow? To make you write like everyone else?

    I never looked at them that way.

    I saw them as a way for writers who knew a lot more than me to pass along advice on what helped make them successful. I learned a ton by trying to follow the rules, failing, and trying again.

    Once I figured out what the crap I was doing, I stopped paying much attention to them while writing. When I self edit or get comments, the rules still help me figure out why something I wrote isn’t working.

    So I guess when I read something like your post, my first thought is, “Writing fiction that engages readers is extremely difficult. If you didn’t learn to write fiction using the rules, how did you learn?”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your comments, onereasonableperson. This isn’t my post but one I reblogged but I do agree with the five areas mentioned. I don’t think you read the whole article. It said that SOME rules should be broken if the author is capable of providing well-executed scenes. And it goes on to mention five of these rules. Starting the book with the weather is one that was mentioned. It is also linked to another article about the five areas. The author of that article explains why. She says that sometimes the weather can set the mood for the book. She also mentions another rule about not starting your book with dialogue. Some great authors have started their books with dialogue with great success. It boils down to how well the author crafts these first scenes.


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